January 24, 2008

Designers' Gratitude Experiment

Recently, I participated in an online gratitude experiment, and after 21 days of entering what I was grateful for, I noticed how much happier I was. Daily life seemed so much easier and more joyful. Would you like to do a little experiment with me? Join me for just 7 days. Each day, come here and enter 5 things you feel thankful for. Also, post your insights and feelings. I'm sure you will notice some amazing things!

(If you'd like a reminder to come here each day, send a blank email to:
nikastew-307916@autocontactor.com )



Anonymous said...

I feel grateful for: the incredible abundance of conveniences we have in our modern world; my incredibly generous family; my loyal clients and readers, my fun, creative friends; my sweet Ellie and her amazing daddy. I am truly blessed.

Anonymous said...

I actually keep a gratitude journal, where I right every night right before I go to bed - recapping things I was grateful for "that day". I'll keep it less personal here ; ) Here goes:
1. I am grateful for Lean Cuisine meals (easy to make, yummy, & healthy)
2. I am grateful for my current weight - lost a few pounds already (yippppyyyy)
3. I am grateful for my feisty hamster ... that reminds me to make take a break from work when she bites on her house door to let her out.
4. I am grateful that today's weather was comfortable (I tend to hibernate in the winter from the coldness) so it wasn't too brutal going out today.
5. I am grateful that Nika keeps encouraging us for greatness. Thanks Nika ;)

Anonymous said...

1. I am grateful to have found a group of people who share the same views on life as myself. It is very exciting.
2. I am grateful for my clients. They pay me on time and are wonderful to work with.
3. I am grateful for my business. I have the flexibility to create my own schedule and I love that!
4. I am grateful for my supportive husband. He is encouraging, loving and understanding and most of all he believes in what I am doing.
5. I am grateful for a recent business opportunity I was presented with. People keep saying the market is slow but I am feeling no affects what so ever. I have never been busier.

-Kristen Ivey

Anonymous said...

1. I am grateful because I am rich in love. I have a loving and supportive husband and two wonderful children.
2. I am grateful that I had the strength to leave the corporate environment to pursue my entrepreneurial dream.
3. I am grateful for few, but wonderful friends.
4. I am grateful for the flexibility that I am able to enjoy.
5. I am grateful to be able to wake up and enjoy another day.

Anonymous said...

I am greatful therefore I am grateful
I am grateful to have talent in my hands, and be able to use them to succeed.
I am grateful I can read, understand, make choices and decisions and be part of this thing called life
I am grateful to have my amazing daughter who keeps me laughing and my sweet husband who loves me in spite of myself, supportive family & friends who love me, and whom I love.
I am Grateful to feel joy hear music smell the sweetness and can feel sorrow and beauty, touch rain.

Anonymous said...

Ok, here goes... I feel grateful for
1. All those things that make life so interesting
2. My creative staff
3. My loyal clients
4. The flat market that has made me work smarter
5. The love of family and friends

Debi Pinelli said...

I am greatful for my husband who supports me in everything I do.
I am greatful for my children who make my life complete.
I am greatful for my clients that are fun to work with and pay me on time.
I am greatful for the clients that aren't and don't because they make me smarter.
I am greatful for my friends who get me through the difficult times.

Anonymous said...

I am so grateful for my husband, he is my best friend and helper
I am grateful for all my clients, they make my job fun and challenging
I am grateful beyond words for my newfound good health, last year was brutal-so happy it's over
I am grateful for my van, it hauls all my stuff and never complains
I am grateful I have the capacity to choose how I feel and think..I think and feel happy!(most of the time)

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for notes from nika that are postive and encouraging

I am grateful for this fabulous business I have created

I am grateful for the clients coming my way this year

I am grateful for the income coming in 2008

I am grateful for the health of me and my family

Anonymous said...

Things I am grateful for:
1. the clients that I curretnly have
2. The way my own house is coming along
3. for my wonderful friends
4. how well my children are doing in school
5. the connection with my husband growing

Anonymous said...

1. I am grateful for my family's good health.
2. I am grateful for having the courage to overcome personal fears.
3. I am grateful for realizing that my business has great potential and maintaining a positive outlook which will undoubtedly encourage growth.
4. I am grateful for the stress-free time that I am able to spend with my family.
5. I am grateful for a crisp beautiful day.

Anonymous said...

Day 2:
1. I am grateful for the beautiful water view I have from my home office desk
2. I am grateful for receiving a check in the mail today
3. I am grateful for the elevator in my co-op building being out of service today so I am gently forced to exercise up & down the stairs
4. I am grateful for the $500 discount I received in the Readymade magazine ad I placed (discount bec. it was a last minute slot open - yeah!!!)
5. I am grateful for having a blackberry phone where I can check my emails & look stuff up in the internet whereever I am - making me feel very cosmopolitan :)
5-1/2. I am grateful for the automatic receipt of huge amounts of cash money and prosperity

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for the oceanic blessings of
1. My Beloved Husband
2. Our loving and hysterical cat Buddha
3. That I am able to earn right livlihood Feng Shui-ing
4. That I've tripled my income doing what I utterly love
5. Light sparkling on water and the scent of white lilies and pots of jasmine tea...

Anonymous said...

1. I am grateful for a very supportive, understanding and loving husband.
2. I am grateful for my two wonderful grandchildren who are so loving.
3. I am grateful for Nika for inviting me to be able to share positive thoughts of encouragement.
4. I am grateful to my parents and family for their support and encouragement to keep my business going.
5. I am grateful to God most of all to afford me the oportunity to be able to have those wonderful people mentioned above in my life.

Me said...

Day 2 for me:
1. I am grateful for all of you for posting your "Gratefuls." I am getting such pleasure out of reading all of these. I'm actually feeling tingles and many wonderful emotions.

2. This perfect day. Everything went as smooth and perfect as possible.

3. My hoarse voice which reminds me that I need to get more sleep and take it easy.

4. My big beautiful new home - which I closed on today!

5. Feeling more and more each day that I understand what life is about.
Doing this gratitude exercise for myself has been wonderful. But reading other posts has brought this experiment to a whole new level that I didn't expect. I feel touched and inspired by all of your posts. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Today I am so happy and grateful for:
*Yesterdays drapery installation in a huge law firm (on the 19th floor) went beautifully and they love it! whew!
*My husbands help again (with a sprained thumb)and he won't accept payment
*having the privilage of being able to make a hot cup of organic coffee on this freezing Sat. morn
*that I have today off and I can get that laundry done, work out and take my Lab girl for a long walk
*Another day feeling great and rested

All the other posts filled me to tears yesterday, so heartwarming to read. They all remind me of all the "things" I have to be thankful for. I'm reading Marci Shimoff's book: Happy for No Reason...it's great! Also reading Eat, Pray, Love...awesome inspiration(and funny!)Thought you all would like the recommendation

Anonymous said...

Day 2:
I am grateful for
1. Maria's help in setting up the office space for our new designer/ sales person
2. A few extra hours of sleep this morning
3. Computers which have become so much a part of our communication process
4. Our cockers Karman and Ghia who provide endless entertainment and unconditional love
5. Nika's enthusiasm, which is contagious...

Anonymous said...

Hi Nika and thank you for reminding me about gratitude journals. Your timing is perfect after losing a job that I worked hard on. I know this works from past experience writing gratitude lists. So, to get me off the pitty pot, here we go...
1. I am grateful that this particular client was honest with me and actually even offered up her budget so I knew what I had to work with!
2. My dog and cat who are chasing each other happily around the house this morning. They LOVE each other and they make me laugh.
3. Heat. It's cold outside!
4. My health.
5. My sweetie brining me coffee in bed this morning.

I feel better already. Have a nice weekend everyone.

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for my new way of thinking. I feel so much better on a daily bases than ever before.

I am grateful for my support group. I have wonderful friends and family that I would do anything for and I know they feel the same.

I am grateful for my love for animals. Somehow the opportunity to help one keeps arising and I am grateful that it was me who could help.

I am grateful for the lessons I have learned in this life.

I am grateful that I have my own business. I LOVE my work!

Me said...

Day 3:
I am feeling grateful for:
1. having caring, supportive friends
2. Ellie's laugh
3. my loving, happy relationship with Rob
4. the Internet, which helps me communicate with so many people at one time
5. finding (or creating) work that I absolutely love - that gives me happiness - which often brings me tears of joy

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. Spend time doing things you love!

Anonymous said...

Today I am very grateful for a wonderful day at work.
2. Today I am grateful for being inspired to meditate and pray deeply and start my day on a positive note.
3. Today I am grateful that my husband and I came home safe from work.
4.I am grateful for designing and decorating colleagues who are willing to share their experience for each others success.
5. I am extremely thankful to God for another beautiful and great day.

Anonymous said...

Day 3:
1. I am grateful for being able to have a glass of wine with friends
2. I am grateful for my creative ideas (I am redecorating my living room/office)
3. I am grateful for being able to cut down on my cigar smoking (I started to smoke them once a week and feared it was becoming a habit)
4. I am grateful for finding stores with fashionable styles
5. I am grateful for my transportation

Anonymous said...

Post #2
Oceanic gratitude for...
1. Hot baths scented with ylang ylang and bergamot and geranium
2. Shelter, heat, food in the pantry
3. Incredible women friends full of soul and generousity and brightness
4. My dharma and feng shui masters and the ancient lineage
5. My health

Eileen said...

1. I am grateful that our son made a special effort to come over today because he missed dinner last night.
2. I am grateful for the pretty snow outside.

3. I am grateful for the nice (and healthy) dinner I made tonight for me and my husband.

4. I am grateful that my husband had a productive work day.

5. I am grateful that we have new found friends coming this weekend to visit.

Anonymous said...

1. I am grateful to be associated with wonderful women of all walks of life.
2. I am grateful for the close relationship I have with my brother and his family.
3. I am grateful for the strong bond I have with my mother.
4. I am grateful for having the strength and courage to take risks.
5. I am grateful for life.

Natty said...

1. I am grateful for my current clients.
2. I am grateful for the love and support of my family.
3. I am grateful for my good health.
4. I am grateful to see my grandmother of 95 years today.
5. I am grateful for the roof over my head and food in my belly.

Anonymous said...

Today, Sunday, I am grateful for:
*It's Sunday, the snow is falling (the great white silence)the fire is crackling and I'm snuggled in with my sweetie
*My life, we are attending a memorial today for a dear sweet friend who lost her life to cancer last week, only 55. She is a profound reminder to be happy
*this gratitude exercise, it came at the perfect time
*spending an evening with our good friends watching a movie (Juno, excellent!) and having a great dinner and lots of laughs
*My health, thank God I have my health

Anonymous said...

Day 3:
I am grateful for:
1. This gentle reminder to look at the blessings in life
2. The dinner I shared with my husband and friends last night
3. Florida's fabulous sunshine
4. The solution to a remodeling challenge that came to me in the middle of the night (yes, I got up at 2 am to put it to paper)
5. Strong, freshly brewed coffee!

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

Anonymous said...

Day 3 for me.
1. I am grateful to my husband for a graceful reminder that today is Sunday and I need to relax and take it easy, in other words to embrace family time.
2. I am grateful for modern technology (Internet Radio), I could have listened live to the homecoming ceremony (funeral mass) of a dear friend who passed. It helped me feel so much better.
3. I am grateful for waking up this morning feeling good to be able to cook dinner for my family. Something they all look forward to on a Sunday.
4.I am grateful for being inspired to tune in to Suzy Ormans' show on Women and Money as soon as I turned on the TV while having breakfast this morning. It was really empowering.
5. I am truly grateful to our Heavenly Father for another day to enjoy and have gratitude for all thos things I mentioned above.

Anonymous said...

1. I am grateful for this beautiful crisp winter day.
2. I am grateful that all of my immediate family members spent quality time together.
3. I am grateful for the wonderful, exuberant spirit my daughter possesses.
4. I am grateful for the intelligent, handsome, kind and athletic young man that is my son.
5. I am grateful that I get to be a mom.

Anonymous said...

1. I am grateful for using the treadmill last night.
2. I am grateful for my son coming over the house to spend some time with us and do his laundry.
3. I am grateful for finishing my vision board. (It turned out great!)
4. I am grateful for a very productive day for myself and my husband. I finished almost everything on my "to do" list.
5. I am grateful for this list. I have been wanting to keep a gratitude journal for some time. This kick started it! Thanks Nicole!

Anonymous said...

Day 4:
1. I am grateful for my health (+ having health insurance)
2. I am grateful for the flow of ideas I keep getting for my design kit
3. I am grateful that my new sofa was available, I was able to oredr it today, and it will be delivered this week (yeah!)
4. I am grateful that a reporter that I admire is going to do a story on me
5. I am grateful that I got home before it started to snow so my face didn't freeze

Me said...

day 4 for me:

1. I am grateful for being surrounded by so many amazing, spiritual, grateful designers.

2. I am grateful for all the things that keep me warm in the winter: heat, blankets, a warm bed, hot chocolate, and hugs from loved ones.

3. I am grateful for people being interested in buying my home.

4. I am so grateful for Ellie - her sweet, angel face when she sleeps; her big eyes; her curiosity; her sense of humor; and the fact that she challenges me all the time - so I learn patience.

5. I am grateful for my physical body, my ability to get things done, to move freely, flexibility, strength.

I hope you enjoyed this beautiful weekend. Have a wonderful, inspired Monday!

Natty said...

Day 2
I am grateful that I am able to help people when they need it.
I am grateful that my husband loves to cook.
I am grateful that I am doing the job I love.
I am grateful that I can make my own schedule.
I am grateful just to wakeup today.

Anonymous said...

Day 4
I am grateful for:
1. Quiet time in the morning
2. My expresso coffee machine
3. The arrival of a brand new day
4. The love of my husband
5. My sweet little grandson

lisa said...

I am grateful for my father's continued good health.

I am grateful for my mom in my life.

I am grateful for my health.

I am grateful for martin's safe return from Kosovo.

I am grateful for my brother.

Anonymous said...

1. I am grateful for being able to witness the progress my children make every day.
2. I am grateful for the resources I continuously learn about that can help make my business successful.
3. I am grateful for my creative abilities.
4. I am grateful that I know my passion and I am able turn it into a dream business.
5. I am grateful for being open to new ideas.

Anonymous said...

Today I'm grateful for:
* a presentation that had been taking too long to put together, I got it together and the clients are very excited about it..another whew!
*my grandson, he's got my heart
*for my dog Hannah, she greets like she hasn't seen me in a million years
and gives the best kisses
*my hairdresser, she's the best
*that I live in the woods, nature is my greatest teacher

This is the best exercise, I am feeling so happy! Let's not stop

Me said...

I agree, Deb! 7 days seems like too little!

Today I feel grateful for:

1. Coffee

2. Rubber bands and boxes - they make great guitars for 2-year olds

3. My beautiful new bathtub which I can't wait to use for the first time

4. Hair dye

5. Audio books so I can learn and be inspired as I drive

Anonymous said...

Day 4 for me

1. Today, I am grateful for being able to share a good laugh with my mom this morning.

2. I am grateful for life and love it.

3. I am grateful for a productive day.

4. I am grateful for all the inspirational sharing and empowerment; it surely creates positive energy.
5. I am really thankful for good health.

Anonymous said...

1. I am grateful for the sacrifices my immigrant parents made to better my life here in America.

2. I am grateful for my two best friends from the 5th grade that I just shared a wonderful girls weekend with.

3. I am grateful for the siblings God put into my life.

4. I am grateful for such a supportive husband who allows me all the time it takes to follow my passion.

5. I am grateful for being smart enough to be grateful!

Anonymous said...

Day 5:
1. I am grateful for finding Sheer Cover makeup (I am hooked)
2. I am grateful for receiving in the mail today a copy of the magazine where my 1st ad ever will appear (Readymade magazine) - I am so proud of my work in creating the design for the ad (my illustrator + photoshop classes came in handy once again ... all those night of studying until 2am paid off!)
3. I am grateful for having a store right downstairs that I can get my afternoon munchies (chocolate!!).
4. I am grateful that I didn't mess up my hair by cutting it short myself, now I routinely give myself a trim (save time + money).
5. I am grateful for today's gift of life + looking forward to making the best I can of tomorrow.

Natty said...

Day 3
I'm grateful for Keeping my cool when our cat knocked over a can of white paint on the floor.
I'm grateful for having the option to go to LV world market.
I'm grateful to have new project come my way.
I'm grateful to have wonderful friends.
I'm grateful for the help I get from my friend across the hall

Anonymous said...

Day 5
I am grateful for:
1. The new project that came in yesterday
2. My installer who is a perfectionist
3. Any opportunity to have a good laugh
4. All the interesting books I might never have read if it were not for my book club
5. The right to vote

Anonymous said...

1.I am grateful for the wonderful father my children have
2. I ma grateful for my Passion and Purpose Group
3. I am grateful for Leslie, my great friend and walking partner
4. I am grateful to have a lovely home
5. I am grateful for beautiful fabrics and trims!

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for the sun shining today and it's warm enough to walk without a hundred heavy layers
I am grateful for my upholsterer, he makes me look good
I am grateful for a little down time right now to finish up loose ends
I am grateful for referrals that come from people I've never heard of but have heard of me and tell their friends!
I am grateful for my beautiful little office, it's my creative think tank

Anonymous said...

Day 5 for me
1. I am grateful for that push this morning to go to the gym. I felt really good leaving there.
2. I am grateful for technology, I just got finished from a very informative teleconference.
3. I am grateful for all those wonderful professionals out there who are willingly sharing their expertise. May God continue to bless them.
4. I am grateful for that scarce virtue of PATIENCE, to be able to deal with my 15 year old nephew.
5. I am really grateful to my beloved husband, He is always aware of when I need emotional support and provided it yesterday when I almost blew my top off on my 15 yr old.

Anonymous said...

Day 6:
I am grateful for having the strength to "let go"
I am grateful for music (which has the strength to affect ur emotions)
I am grateful for the poetry in many music lyrics
I am grateful for being introduced to The Secret
I am grateful for people that share their past to help people in the present & future (like: Bill Harris, Dr. Joe Vitale, Jack Canfield)

Me said...

Day 6 for me!

This evening I am feeling gratitude for:

1. My ability to relax and feel good, and the constant reminders to do so

2. Having a husband who loves our baby, and who loves to spend time with her and take care of her

3. Eliptical machines, and Sue, who encouraged me to go with her to the gym this morning

4. Remembering to stretch and try to keep flexible, so I feel healthy and energetic

5. My incredible giant new closet

5 1/2. This mild winter we are having.

Have a "Grateful" week!

Anonymous said...

1. I am grateful for finding time during the day to exercise.
2. I am grateful that my daughter finds joy in exercising.
3. I am grateful that my husband has found his professional niche.
4. I am grateful that my daughter is the girly girl I asked for.
5. I am grateful for The Secret.

Eileen said...

Didn't get a chance to do yesterday, so here it is first.
I am grateful for a good appointment with one of my designers and an apartment complex.

I am grateful for my sales rep who made a special effort to bring some new fabric books. One of them was perfect!

I am grateful for using the treadmill last night and getting a good night's sleep.

I am grateful for going to a networking dinner that had a speaker talking about The Secret. I also spent some time talking to some new and interesting people.

I am grateful for my husband that loves me dearly.

Eileen said...

Today's comments:

I am grateful for the deposit check that I got for a nice new order.

I am grateful that our son stopped by and really got a kick out of the ceramic cat dishes that my sister made for his three cats.

I am grateful for a good appointment with a glass artist today and a possible future alliance in a networking group.

I am grateful for taking my sister to the airport to go back to Florida.

I am grateful for my nice phone conversation with my neice.

Anonymous said...

Day 6
I am grateful for:
1. Did I mention coffee?
2. Florida's beautiful sunsets
3. The sweet smell of morning--a tropical mix of floral scents
4. The soft breezes from the Gulf
5. The graceful movement of the palm trees

Even on a less than perfect day, the natural beauty of the landscape reminds me to stop and breathe. Clearly, the best things in life surround and encourage us and they are free.

Anonymous said...

sixth day gratitudes:
*thankful for a fabulous new 3 story restaurant being built, they want me to do their shades
*thankful my husband said that the 40 ft. windows are no problem (I'm not climbing THAT ladder!!)
*thankful a very experienced decorator called me to help her with fabricating and installing her window treatments
*thankful this same decorator saw my very expensive website (why do these web guys get so much money for this?)and liked it
*thankful I might be too busy with my own projects to help her much!

and I'm thankful that even though it's 9 pm, I was looking forward to getting to this list, I feel a warm fuzzy and think this is a great way to end the day or begin it! thank you Nika

Anonymous said...

Day 7:
1. I am grateful for this exercise (that reminded me to take a few minutes of my busy day to reflect & appreciate my day)
2. I am grateful for the rewind button on my video camera (I am practicing my "look" for an interview)
3. I am grateful for being the last person in the line at my bank (a rep pulled me to her seat & was able to make my deposit for me - I NEVER seen that happen before!)The law of attraction at work!
4. I am grateful for serenity, courage, and awareness.
5. I am grateful for being able to eat c h o c o l a t e annnnnnddd yummy ice cream and maintain my desired weight!

THANKS NIKA for inviting me to participate in this 7 day reflection. Every day is a gift and a new day to create a happy ending.

Anonymous said...

Day 6 for me
Today I am grateful:
1. FOR being concious that $7 can feed me and my family. Life is not as bad as we think it is.
2.FOR wonderful friends to share lunch with for only $5 and had left overs to take home.
3.FOR LIFE,it is worth every breath I take.
4. FOR business colleagues to provide support and encouragement.
5. To God for making today a wonderful, fruitful day.

Eileen said...

1. I am grateful for having a good time at our Secret Group gathering tonight.

2. I am grateful for my new affirmation that i learned from a tape from Cheryl Richardson.

3. I am grateful for the gratitude rock that Marilyn gave each one of us tonight.

4. I am grateful that I was able to share Holosync with Nancy. She got the free demo and likes it!

5. I am grateful for finishing my Vision Board and being able to share it with the group tonight.

Me said...

Day seven for me, but I am going to keep on going...

Tonight, I am feeling grateful for:

1. Seeing Louise Hay's new movie
and hearing some wonderful affirmations

2. Finding like-minded friends

3. My cozy, warm bed

4. My dad's plane coming in safely

5. Having time to just have fun!

Anonymous said...

1. I am grateful for the wonderful snow-storm free winter we've had.
2. I am grateful for the show we watch during family night, American Idol. It entertains all of us.
3. I am grateful for modern conveniences.
4. I am grateful for neat children.
5. I am grateful for life and its experiences.
This exercise has taught me to be appreciative of all things, regardless of how small they may seem. It has also taught me to consistently have a positive outlook and realize that I am blessed every day.

Anonymous said...

Day 7
I am grateful for
1. My appointment last night who selected beautiful fabrics for their bedroom
2. My appointment this morning from a repeat customer
3. The new designer/sales person who is coming onboard Monday
4. My loyal customers
5. The International Design Center presentations that inspire me

Anonymous said...

Day 7 for me
I am grateful:
1. For a bright and sunny day.
2. For the gift of having my Dad celebrate his 73 birthday.
3. For the pleasure of being able to have lovely conversations with my parents today.
4. For a quiet afternoon alone.
5. For the wonders of IM (instant messaging). I am able to communicate anywhere in the world and share quick news with my friends.

Me said...

Day 8 and counting!

I feel thankful for:
1. Cell phones and computers so I can keep in touch with friends all over the world

2. Low-fat French Vanilla cappucinos

3. Learning to love and accept myself as I am

4. Finding new, exciting things to love about my house every day

5. Sleep...

Anonymous said...

Day 8
I am thankful for:
1. A busy, productive week
2. The new fabrics and trims that have just arrived
3. My creative workroom
4. The support of my staff
5. The coming weekend!

Hope all of you have a great weekend. Don't forget to reward yourself by taking some time for you.
Thanks Nika for getting this started. It's amazing how well it works and how much inspiration there is in this simple exercise.

Anonymous said...

Day 7 for me,
*I'm thankful I have warm beautiful clothes to wear everyday
*I'm thankful for the big appointment I have this morning
*I'm thankful I had the courage to let that decorator know that I don't want to take on her installation projects, I have enough of my own!
*I'm thankful for my sister, she's my hero
*I'm thankful for the opportunity to come up with creative marketing ideas to keep the flow of clients going

Anonymous said...

I forgot to do this! I thought I signed up for the reminder email but I guess I didn't do it correctly. Anyway, here I am...
Day 2
I am grateful for:
1. knowing that I'm pretty much on track -- numbers have a good way of adjusting my self-criticism.
2. Rain today...we need it.
3. Sleeping thru the night.
4. Humor.
5. My fireplace.

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for so many things, it's hard to pick which one to start with first!

1. I am grateful for the opportunity to work from my home
2. I am grateful for a husband who supports me in my endeavors
3. I am grateful for a God who enables me in every way, and every day.
4. I am grateful for Nika and her generous spirit and willingness to coach us.
5. I am grateful to be in an industry so full of loving people
6. I am grateful for the internet that brings us so close who are so far away.

Mary said...

I feel grateful that I have chosen to read all of your gratitudes. It makes me feel like, well, grateful

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for my health.
I am grateful for my beautiful healthy family. I am grateful for my talents and the opportunity to use them. I am grateful for my booming business, my appreciative and generous clients.
But mostly I am grateful for my relationship with my God, who answers my prayers everyday,
no exceptions!

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for
1. My repeat customers
2. My out of state designer clients who continue to develop their customer base in Florida
3. The new contacts I have made
4. The crispness of the air in the mornings (not many days like that here)
5. Doggie kisses on the weekend when our cocker Ghia lets my husband and me know it's time to get moving

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for my son and daughter, my family, and friends, my career and the presence of Our Blessed Mother in my heart who guides me to her son Our Lord.

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for people like you who give a positive impulse, making others aware of the good within and around them.

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for:
my health and strength,
my husband Howard
my family-sister and brother and father
my cat paka
my business partner Susan
the fact that I am working in an industry I love and can use my creative talents!

Anonymous said...

I keep a gratitude journal and sometimes I find it necessary to say thanks for the everyday things that I have:
1) my loving husband who supports me on this entreprenurial journey
2) my grandchildren who are growing and playing and I love dearly
3) for my two sons who are caring for my grandchildren
4) that I still have my mother, brother and sister here with me
5) for my good friends who have been with me through a lot of pain and lots of joy

Anonymous said...

I've missed this so here is a new entry:
I'm grateful for:
*finding a fabulous big commercial installer, we connected instantly
*realizing that someone else's issues are not my issues, I'm not always to blame
*time to myself while my husband skies with friends for 2 days
*having the pull to start meditating again, I'm starting tonight
*dancing till all hours to a great band, we've still got it baby!

Anonymous said...

1. I am grateful for my wonderful,loving husband who is such a supportive partner and a terrific father.
2. I am grateful for my wonderful daughter who is such a miracle.
3. I am grateful that after 25 years of working in positions that I grew to hate, I finally have a career that I absolutely love.
4. I am grateful for my health.
5. I am grateful for the wonderful people I have met as clients, and the fun I had working with them.

Anonymous said...

Day 2:
*I have good friends who 'think' about me.
*Ideas coming from my spirit
*Succesful and product meetings
*Enough gas to reach the gas station!
*Finding the right book in the library.

Anonymous said...

Day 3:
*Attracting new clients.
*The rain we so desperately needed.
*I can laugh at myself.
*Knowing how blessed I am...

Anonymous said...

1. I am grateful for my health.
2. I am grateful for my wonderful friends.
3. I am grateful for my repeat customers.
4. I am grateful for my design friends who are willing to share information to help me out.
5. I am grateful that I chose to have a careet that allows me to juggle my schedule.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the new project!
Paying bills is getting much easier.
Good health for family
That new printer is great for business projects!

Anonymous said...

I am tremendously grateful that my surgery seems to have been successful; I'm grateful for my wonderful dog; I'm grateful for my dear friends; I'm blessed with having a beautiful home and a family I love; and I'm grateful for the lovely snow we've had this winter.

Anonymous said...

I'm gratful that I only have one client who is difficult to work with and that I am almost finished with her job;I'm grateful for the potential my business has this year; I'm grateful for my wonderful friend Fran; I'm grateful that for today I'm alive and not facing any major health issues.

Life Coach Luanna said...

I am incredibly grateful for:
1.The home I live in that keeps the climate liveable.

2.Hot and cold running water- no going to the creek to get it and then heat it up.

3. I am grateful that Spirit is Source. That I have food in the house to fix in yummy and healthy ways.

4. I am filled with gratitude for my sense of humor that allows me to laugh at stuff other people may not find funny, even if I have to laugh on the inside.

5. I am grateful for family and friends who care, and for Esther & Jerry Hicks and Abraham Hicks.

6. (Over delivering.) I am very grateful that my new website is up and finishing tweaking and that it is bringing in delightful eager to coach clients-- as many as I can comfortably handle!

Lisa Ryan said...

I am grateful I decided to become a home stager. I am grateful for the support I receive from family and friends. I am grateful for the opportunity to make my own schedule. I am grateful for the extra time I can spend with my children. I am grateful for the happiness I felt when I woke up with this morning. :-)

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you brought this back (thanks!!!). Here is today's gratitude:

1. I am grateful for clients that value my opinion and trust my design vision.

2. I am grateful for the internet (how I can order samples online instead of zooming through the stores)

3. I am grateful for receiving free books (new book by Suze Orma called WOMAN & MONEY offered to Oprah's viewers and library - walking distance.

4. I am so grateful that I found a nearby branch of my new bank (money here we come!!!)

5. I am grateful for my love's continued strength, awareness, and positive actions; and having plans for seeing MAMA MIA today with a friend!

5 1/2 I am grateful for Nika's continued push of positive outlook. Thanks Nika!!!

Anonymous said...

Day One
1. I am grateful for my good health and that of my family.
2. I am grateful for the beautiful sunny summer days we're enjoying
3. I am grateful for having a fun, creative job that allows me to be home to care for my daughter.
4. I am grateful for my husband who works full time to let me work on my time.
5. I am grateful that Bill's job allows us to have our beautiful home and everything in it!

Anonymous said...

Day 2:
1. I am grateful for a solid 8 hours of sleep last night!
2. I am thankful for a fab cup of coffee to start my day!
3. I am grateful for the wonderful sales that have come in over the last 2 days!
4. I am grateful for yet another sunny day!
5. I am grateful for being able to work from home again today!

Anonymous said...

Day 3:
1. I am grateful I found the strength yesterday to laugh when I wanted to cry
2. I am grateful that Bill will return home tomorrow
3. I am grateful that it rained overnight and we woke up to sunshine again
4. I am grateful that bailey let me brush her teeth this morning without a fight!
5. I am grateful for wonderful long distance calling plans!

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for my health. I feel strong and good again. I can begin to focus once more on my work. I am also grateful for my husband who is kind, loving and good looking!

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for quiet, peaceful mornings.
I am grateful for creme' brulee coffee!
I am grateful for my two beautiful daughters.
I am grateful for the opportunity to create my new office space.
I am grateful for my friend Lisa who shared a meal, a kahula and cream (haven't had one in YEARS) and a movie with me.