September 01, 2008


Money Talk and The Business of Home Fashions Design

New Designer Success Teleclass:
Thursday, September 4, 8:00 PM Eastern

Are your attitudes around money making you rich...
or keeping you stuck?

You've learned a little about the law of attraction. You know that your thoughts create your reality. You want to manifest your dream business. But you need more specifics on how to create your ideal life.

SPEAK the New Language of Wild Success!
Register for Money-tudes

In this new class, you will:

  • See how the power of your thoughts and your beliefs about money affect your business bottom line
  • Discover the ROOT of your wrong money thinking (and learn how to break free once and for all!)
  • Create a new “money awareness” that will propel your life and boost your business, both immediately and in the future

With your new thinking, your design business will make money for you. You will gain the clients who WANT to pay you for your offerings. You will develop new strategies to grow financially, and embrace new thoughts that will serve to improve your life in every area.

Say goodbye to the old mentality and embrace a new, exciting, and abounding way of thinking and believing.

This class is an INVESTMENT in yourself. A must if you want to make more money!
click to register now for $29

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Blog and you are good at it. You need to do it more often. A photo is worth the efforsts. Just stumbled on your blog to comment from active rain. Keep up the work.